Ever since the first motorhomes and caravans hit the road, the market for leisure vehicles has grown continuously. There is now a combined market of about 800,000 motorhomes and caravans in the UK today and that number continues to rise. The market is strong, still growing and has a great long term future.

Within this growing market, demand for Habcheck’s services is driven by three main things. Firstly, safety. Many owners understand the risks of using a motorhome or caravan, particularly from fire and carbon monoxide poisoning. For them, an annual check to protect their family and loved ones is an obvious requirement.

Secondly, to catch hidden problems early, before they become expensive repairs. Damp would be the main culprit here. Catch damp early and it’s a quick fix. Let it go undetected and it’s an expensive nightmare. Lastly, warranty. All manufacturers require new motorhome and caravan buyers to have regular habitation checks to a strict time schedule. Miss your scheduled service by a day and you invalidate your warranty!

Yet here’s the thing. The dealers selling new motorhomes and caravans don’t have the capacity or desire to carry out habitation checks on all of the vehicles they sell. Leaving the poor owner at risk of invalidating their warranty.

The opportunity for us is simple. There are not enough accredited service engineers to meet the demand. And the competition that does exist comes from either over booked dealer service centres or one man in his van type operations – not everyone’s first choice!

Enter Habcheck. A professional, mobile service that comes to you! You can see why our service is so popular. We are the solution to a wide spread problem in the leisure market. The demand is already there – we are just filling a gap in the market.

One last thought on the leisure market. The world is changing fast. Disruptive technology is transforming many markets and businesses. Automation is replacing people and taking their jobs. Anyone contemplating a career change now is well advised to seek out a sector that will not be affected by these dramatic changes.

We operate in such a market. The leisure market will continue to grow. No online experience can replace the joy of using a motorhome or caravan. Our service cannot be carried out by robots. This is a long term opportunity in a stable and growing market.

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